Sunday, February 15, 2009

Buddhist, or not?

This weekend was very packed with self understanding. I have realized after as a Buddhist I am caught up in a label. I was left wondering, should I call myself a Buddhist, or not. Really, it makes no difference what it is called, or if it is called. Everybody has different beliefs, no matter how they want to classify them. True Wisdom doesn't need to be classified, and can come from any source. 
In the past I have approached Buddhism too idealistically, and with too much attachment to goals. Not only that, but I have criticized other traditions, while seemingly maintaining religious tolerance. This is not the right way.

In the past, in studying Buddhism, I have been misguided. I focused too much on the philosophy and technical aspects, failing to examine myself, which is at the heart of the matter.

I went on a walk today, while reading "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" and realized that I have grown as a Buddhist, even when though I have been out of practice for a month.
I have done so, because in that time I have redirected the focus of practice inwardly, rather then as an effort to find answers from texts.

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